After all the clearing, we noticed the swamp tended to drain.
The advantage of taro being submerged is that very few weeds can get started if there is a layer of water over the soil. So
we built a dam on the little waterway. This photo from 2/95 is just above the dam, in our most ambitious taro lo’i.
Jim is making sure Ray is not slacking.
Some days the water level in the swamp
is higher than others. Sometimes it seems like it is from recent rains, but other times there is no apparent reason. Since
the water probably springs up from ground water, it may have to do with how much our neighbors are pumping or something. (Recently
Mark Underwood, PhD in coastal groundwater, suggested we look for tidal influence.) Here is Rechung standing on one of our
bridges in June 95. Also note the taro patch is being encroached by honohono from the sides.
Here is an overview of the taro ditch at its peak in 12/95.
The natural waterway is in the back where the honohono is extra green.
Sam, Doug, Ray, and Lucy (head) trying to clear the taro ditch
in Oct 95. We eventually lost it. Note that Doug is dirty and working, which is, ahem, not his usual swamp mode.
*SIGH* – In about 1995 we lost two fine swampers to the
Tuscany hills. Here is one of our last surf sessions at Pops with Gianna. Kevin was toast soon after. Joining us were Roberta
and Collum. And the bird.
Isabella got us an invite to a fine lamb roast up at John and
Colleen’s. Swampers from left – Ray, Anna, Joseph, Vinny, Marcia, Tara, and Jim.
Marcia and Lucy tending the taro in July 1996.
Hang on – we’re almost done. We won’t drop
you in the toilet bowl. In Nov ’96 Mary, Abe, and Lucy went to Iowa to set up a new homestead there. Here Abe and Lucy
are back on Spring break 97. I also go to Iowa a few months later. Visits to the swamp become few and far between for me for
a few years.
and Doug also trundled off for a few years, to that fine city by the bay. They took on the surf at North Beach, with full
wet suits of course. Here Jim and Jim are testing their newly made longboards at Bolinas.
We added a new coconut to our plantation in Feb 01. Here is
Nancy with the sprouted coconut. She is beside one of the neighbors’ “real” taro farms, along the road.
Here is Jason running thru the soft honohono
grass in Aug 2000.
If you want more pictures, run on to the next page.
Link to next page in report, Photos: Tree growth