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2005 report

Bank report

Bank Report
Kipuka Wai, Inc.
(I'll probably just scan the manual one - this is a quick summary)
11/20/1998 500 Set up bank from company cash 
Ray was holding (and already got credit for)
9-7-99 Nancy dep 250 got credit in table 2
Total ins 750
4 checks (below) -280
Balance 470
This is all of our cash now; I am no longer holding any of our cash (settled in table 2).
Expenses paid by company check
expense Date What paid for who wrote check Amount ($)
1999 property taxes 36399 full year Ray 205
1999 corporate report to state " 25
2000 " " 25
2002 " ('01, '03, '04, '05 Ray pd - see table 2) " 25

Link to next page in report, Expense report