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2005 report

Balance sheet

Balance Sheet
Kipuka Wai, Inc.
As of 9-15-05 (End of our tax year)
(In numbered lines for Federal tax return)
End of tax year 1998 (startup) Main changes End of tax year 2005
Assets 1. Cash 1,000 (530) 470
10. Land* 10,000 0 10,000
11. Other assets** 3,000 1,328 4,328
Total assets 14,000 798 14,798
Liabilities and Share-holders' Equity 18. Capital stock** 3,000 1,328 4,328
19. Additional paid-in capital 11,000 1,752 12,752
20. Retained earnings 0 (2,282) (2,282)
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 14,000 798 14,798
* Land values Hawaii Tax Map Key (1) 6-6-009-011. 
It is a little less than a half-acre of old taro land in Haleiwa.
The tax assessor uses a market valuation of $38,800.
So far I am keeping the land value at book value.
We don't usually have a good indicator except shareholder 
action (or lack of it implying contentment). 
This time a big one (Guy) is selling shares, based on his 
opinion of our total value of $20K.
** Goodwill and goodwill stock given to the people who work 
on the land.

Link to next page in report, RE, S&U